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The information provided below is considered valid for any request for information submitted via this web site.
Personal data of users (art. 13, Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003)
Dear user, we remind you that we are at your complete disposal for any questions or clarification you might need as regards the personal data necessary in order for us to respond to your requests and in compliance with the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 (Personal Data Protection Code), particularly art. 13 (Disclaimer) and art. 23 (Consent). In this respect we would like to provide you with the following information:

In order to join the online community of www.tempesti.com and access certain services (information requests, purchase requests, registration requests, sending of newsletters, trade information), it is necessary to register on the web site www.tempesti.com. During the registration process, the user will be asked for personal data.

The data is stored on a database and processed in accordance with art. 7 of the Personal Data Protection Code (Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003).

Your data is obtained in order that we can contact you in the event of problems, send general information, send updates and allow proper use of the services requested.

Based on this article, the user has the right to demand:
- updating, modification and integration of their data;
- cancellation or transformation into anonymous format or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law;
- the interested party has the right to oppose, wholly or in part, the processing of their personal data, even if relevant to the reasons for its collection;
- opposition of the processing of his/her personal data for the purpose of advertising material mailings or direct sales or for the purpose of market research or marketing communications;
- confirmation of the existence or otherwise of his/her personal data, even if not yet recorded, and its communication in an intelligible format.
- the source of the personal data; the processing purpose and method; the logic applied if processed using electronic instruments; details of the data processing controller, manager and officers or categories of entities to which the data may be communicated or which may become aware of the data as the data processing manager or officer;
For processing, the personal data is
- processed lawfully and fairly
- obtained and recorded for certain purposes, explicit and lawful, and used in other processing operations in accordance with terms compatible with these purposes;
- exact and, if necessary, updated;
- relevant, complete and not surplus to the purposes for which it was obtained or later processed;
All suitable measures will be taken to ensure the confidentiality and safety of your personal data which, together with the request submitted, will reach us in the form of an e-mail to our addresses. The updated list of e-mail addresses to which your personal data can be submitted is held at the offices of the Data Processing Controller and you can request details simply and without formalities. Your data may be held on our databases for future communications.
- stored in a format that allows the identification of the interested party for a period not exceeding that necessary to complete the purpose for which it was obtained or subsequently processed.
- The data can be stored on Italiasport.net servers or as a secure copy stored by the web site owner.
- The data you have provided will be processed solely by specifically appointed personnel, using automated tools, and may be disclosed to third parties only if this proves necessary to provide the service and/or product requested.
- The data can be accessed by administrators and webmasters of the web site

The personal data subject to processing is stored and monitored, also in relation to information acquired on the basis of technical advancement, the nature of the data and the specific processing characteristics, using suitable safety measures in such a way as to reduce the risks of destruction or loss, even accidental, of the data, and prevent unauthorised access or processing that is not permitted or does not comply with the purpose for which it was collected.

The submission of your personal data (limited to the data required as mandatory) is necessary because, if not, the possibility of providing a response could be compromised. Additional data (optional) is provided at your discretion and failure to provide such data does not affect the possibility of our responding.

For further information, please visit the web site of the Italian Data Protection Authority:
Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30 June 2003 - Personal Data Protection Code (http://www.garanteprivacy.it/garante/doc.jsp?ID=1042761 ). The address provided is that checked on 28/11/2008 and subsequently changed. As such matters are out of our hands, we recommend that you search on the web site of the Italian Data Protection Authority and/or that of the Guardia di Finanza (Italian Tax Police).

The data processing controller is:
TECHNICIAN/ pro tempore data processing manager
Tempesti S.p.A.
Via del Cuoio 6/10
56024 Ponte a Egola (Pisa) - Italy
Tel. +39 0571 485333
VAT no. 01077790507

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